The story of Mind Rip involves comic book monsters that are brought to life through psychic means. One such monster is “Boil Head,” a slobbering hot rod driving fiend. Inspired by the legendary Big Daddy Roth’s “Rat Fink” designs, the Boil Head will appear on screen as a stop motion puppet.
John began with a ball and socket armature, and now he’s applying oil-based clay over the top of it. Eventually, when the sculpt is perfect, he’ll make a mold from it.
It barely looks like anything right now, but I insisted we take some pictures for comparison purposes later. Also in these pics, you can see the original sketch and the hot rod model that Boil Head will be driving.
[…] Monstrous Characters: Boil Head The story of Mind Rip involves comic book monsters that are brought to life through psychic means. One such monster is “Boil Head,” a slobbering hot rod driving fiend. Inspired by the legendary Big Daddy Roth’s “Rat Fink” designs, the Boil Head will appear on screen as a stop motion puppet. (Philrose Productions) […]